Sunday, October 18, 2009


In the rush of everyday life, people pressure themselves, and push themselves further, all in the hope of attaining success and perfection. Bosses force their employees to work harder, to gain more profits. Parents force their kids to do well in school, to get higher grades, in order to get higher up on the 'food chain'. All in the hope of attaining perfection.

But, people don't realize that Perfection doesn't exist. It is just a made-up story, created to push people to their very limits, to make them work and strive harder, in this ever-competitive world.

If Perfection ever existed, we would cease to exist, because 'Familiarity is Contempt', which means that when we get used to something or do something over and over again, we lose interest in it. One example is listening to your favorite song over and over again on the radio, until you get sick and tired of it, and stop listening to it altogether. If all the people in the world attained Perfection, we would get sick of living and doing the same thing day in and day out. Eventually, we would fade away into nothingness.

But, we are all made with different traits and personalities, each unique and different from the other. Therefore, we all have different ideas when the word 'Perfection' comes to mind. One may call it 'a state of eternal happiness', while another may think of it as 'the stage of life where one becomes ultimate, and does have to work at all'. But, the notion of Perfection is merely one that was made to help Man get on with His daily life. Perfection never existed, nor will it ever exist, because are all different, and everyone has a unique way of thinking and going about with his daily life.

I leave you with this quote:

'Practice makes perfect, but nobody is perfect, so why practice?'

Thursday, October 15, 2009


In the everyday rush of life, people roam the streets, go places, learn new things... All of them, lost, trying to understand the true meaning of life, trying to comprehend their purpose in life, trying to find the reason why they exist, directly or indirectly.

People search fruitlessly, asking other people for advice, browsing the internet, read life hack articles, but to no avail, as everybody has their own unique meaning of life.

I believe that the main reason people live, is to find their purpose, their reason for their existence, their goal, their role in this universal system.

To find the true meaning of life, one must search deep within the depths of one's soul, and explore the thoughts of the past and future, to obtain peace and calm within one's being.

Why do I exist? What is my purpose in life? Why was I created? These are just some of the questions one must ask oneself. Only then, can one be one.

Edit: I was high while writing this.